Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kinder Roundup a huge success

Thanks to all the parents, teachers, and kids who made our 2007 Kindergarten Roundup a huge success. We were honored to have our DISD Trustee Jack Lowe and his wife attend the event. We fought through the warmth of the auditorium (AC trouble) and enjoyed the choir, orchestra, and speeches.

Thanks to the Parents Of Lee group for peppering the neighborhood with yard signs announcing the event. It is so important to get the word out about Lee. Thanks to the faculty of Lee for dressing up in western costume and welcoming the curious new faces checking out our neighborhood school. And thanks to the parents who organized the lunchroom booths to provide information to prospective Lee parents. I wanted to share with you some of the email we have received at

My name is Monica and I was very impressed with Lee at the roundup. I have a 4 and half year old that will start kinder fall 2008. I am also a teacher in the district, so my daytime volunteer time is limited (at least during the school year), but i would like to get involved now volunteering, pta-ing and more with you guys. Please send me more information, or let me know what else i can do to jump on board!!

And another-

I am interested in getting involved. We have a daughter who is 17 months old and we would love to help make Lee a great school for her to attend. Also, loved the float in the parade.- Lydia"

The energy is mounting and our kids will be the beneficiaries of our involvement. Jump on board this party wagon!

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Greenville Avenue parade

We are ready for the parade. Thanks to all the parents and kids who got together in the 6000 block of Mercedes to decorate our vintage Jeep and flatbed float. Today is a special day for our neighborhood. With all its rowdiness and partying, the spirit of Greenville Avenue shines and reminds us of just how much we love our neighborhood, and love living here.

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Need your help

I am interested in getting a list of names to show that there is a large and growing number of people who are actively concerned in the progress of Lee. This would be a petition of sorts that does not say anything other than that. It would be given to the school only. Please let me know if you have any names from your playgroups, neighbors or friends that we can include. I currently have most names of attendees to Parents of Lee meetings but know there are more interested parties out there.

I appreciate all of your help and look forward to making this a school of which we can all be proud!
Laura Legg

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Monday, March 5, 2007

Letter from Superintendent Castro

Our letter from Area 3 Superintendent Emilio Castro...

"I truly appreciate your feedback and your call for new and innovative approaches to service of all children. Your dedication and commitment in rallying parents and the community are absolutely essential in providing the support necessary for the next steps to occur.

What are those next steps? As Ms. Zapata, yourself, and the other stakeholders of the Lee community continue to create the vision for Lee, know that I will be there to offer support, advice and other resources necessary to take the new vision to scale.

Thank YOU for supporting those ideas, structures and curriculum that address the needs of all children.



Friday, March 2, 2007

Meeting Recap

These are some impressions of the meeting.

There is much DISD interest in reinvigorating Lee, and they are very happy that about the influx of fresh parental interest. From the information we recieved, the Dual Language program might not be a fit for Lee. The ratios needed to implement the program may not be sustainable and the program is a long term commitment to be weighed very carefully. The tuition based Pre-K is still a possibility. There are only three elementary schools in DISD with tuition-based Pre-K and more research will be needed on whether this will help accomplish our goal of bringing neighborhood children back to the school.

Personal impression. Having spent quite some time at Lee over the past few months, and seeing the orderly children and the pleasant atmosphere, and the clean, charming classrooms, and the sweetness of our neighborhood school at work- the biggest fascilitator of Lee's turnaround will be PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Once neighborhood parents walk through the school while it is in session, they will seriously consider sending their children there. Lee can sell itself if we raise some awareness and energy, increase the extracurriculars, and beautify the campus. Prospective Lee parents need a reason to get FAMILIAR with their school. We must show them what Lee is doing, and what we are doing. The roundup is VERY important.

Our Parents of Lee group is trying to organize some presence in the Greenville Avenue parade. We also are developing a nice website to replace this meager blog. When parents research schools, websites are among the best sales tools. We think Lee could have a website that would compel people to seriously consider Lee, and show Lee is competitive with private schools.