Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kinder Roundup a huge success

Thanks to all the parents, teachers, and kids who made our 2007 Kindergarten Roundup a huge success. We were honored to have our DISD Trustee Jack Lowe and his wife attend the event. We fought through the warmth of the auditorium (AC trouble) and enjoyed the choir, orchestra, and speeches.

Thanks to the Parents Of Lee group for peppering the neighborhood with yard signs announcing the event. It is so important to get the word out about Lee. Thanks to the faculty of Lee for dressing up in western costume and welcoming the curious new faces checking out our neighborhood school. And thanks to the parents who organized the lunchroom booths to provide information to prospective Lee parents. I wanted to share with you some of the email we have received at

My name is Monica and I was very impressed with Lee at the roundup. I have a 4 and half year old that will start kinder fall 2008. I am also a teacher in the district, so my daytime volunteer time is limited (at least during the school year), but i would like to get involved now volunteering, pta-ing and more with you guys. Please send me more information, or let me know what else i can do to jump on board!!

And another-

I am interested in getting involved. We have a daughter who is 17 months old and we would love to help make Lee a great school for her to attend. Also, loved the float in the parade.- Lydia"

The energy is mounting and our kids will be the beneficiaries of our involvement. Jump on board this party wagon!

Type rest of the post here


Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Greenville Avenue parade

We are ready for the parade. Thanks to all the parents and kids who got together in the 6000 block of Mercedes to decorate our vintage Jeep and flatbed float. Today is a special day for our neighborhood. With all its rowdiness and partying, the spirit of Greenville Avenue shines and reminds us of just how much we love our neighborhood, and love living here.

Type rest of the post here


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Need your help

I am interested in getting a list of names to show that there is a large and growing number of people who are actively concerned in the progress of Lee. This would be a petition of sorts that does not say anything other than that. It would be given to the school only. Please let me know if you have any names from your playgroups, neighbors or friends that we can include. I currently have most names of attendees to Parents of Lee meetings but know there are more interested parties out there.

I appreciate all of your help and look forward to making this a school of which we can all be proud!
Laura Legg

Type rest of the post here


Monday, March 5, 2007

Letter from Superintendent Castro

Our letter from Area 3 Superintendent Emilio Castro...

"I truly appreciate your feedback and your call for new and innovative approaches to service of all children. Your dedication and commitment in rallying parents and the community are absolutely essential in providing the support necessary for the next steps to occur.

What are those next steps? As Ms. Zapata, yourself, and the other stakeholders of the Lee community continue to create the vision for Lee, know that I will be there to offer support, advice and other resources necessary to take the new vision to scale.

Thank YOU for supporting those ideas, structures and curriculum that address the needs of all children.



Friday, March 2, 2007

Meeting Recap

These are some impressions of the meeting.

There is much DISD interest in reinvigorating Lee, and they are very happy that about the influx of fresh parental interest. From the information we recieved, the Dual Language program might not be a fit for Lee. The ratios needed to implement the program may not be sustainable and the program is a long term commitment to be weighed very carefully. The tuition based Pre-K is still a possibility. There are only three elementary schools in DISD with tuition-based Pre-K and more research will be needed on whether this will help accomplish our goal of bringing neighborhood children back to the school.

Personal impression. Having spent quite some time at Lee over the past few months, and seeing the orderly children and the pleasant atmosphere, and the clean, charming classrooms, and the sweetness of our neighborhood school at work- the biggest fascilitator of Lee's turnaround will be PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Once neighborhood parents walk through the school while it is in session, they will seriously consider sending their children there. Lee can sell itself if we raise some awareness and energy, increase the extracurriculars, and beautify the campus. Prospective Lee parents need a reason to get FAMILIAR with their school. We must show them what Lee is doing, and what we are doing. The roundup is VERY important.

Our Parents of Lee group is trying to organize some presence in the Greenville Avenue parade. We also are developing a nice website to replace this meager blog. When parents research schools, websites are among the best sales tools. We think Lee could have a website that would compel people to seriously consider Lee, and show Lee is competitive with private schools.


Monday, February 26, 2007

This is our chance

Our big meeting at Lee is 3pm Tuesday Feb 27th!

I hope you all will do your best to be there - it will be very important to us. They are holding this for us because we have asked for the information. The Dual Language reps, Early Childhood reps, as well as Principal Zapata and Area Superintendent Emilio Castra will be there. This is huge.

This is our opportunity to find out what the programs require, how we adopt them, what impact they may have and how that will effect our neighborhood school. I learned more about the Dual Language Sat at the DISD community forum and think it is VERY impressive. I think this could be an awesome opportunity for us, but I need all of your involvement to make sure that this is what we want for our school. Thank you for your interest and support. -Laura


Saturday, February 24, 2007


I would like to invite you all to learn more about our neighborhood elementary school, Robert E. Lee, and the campaign to make it something great. There are many ways to show your support, including attending the 75th Celebration May 19, becoming a sponsor and/or joining the Lee or GWRA Early Childhood PTA groups. We are working hard to implement innovative curriculum and reach out to the community for involvement and support. Please visit our web site, and email me, Laura Legg if you would like to know more about how you can help. Together we can make great things happen.

We’re asking for your help. Together we can make Robert E. Lee Elementary the pride of our neighborhood.
Make your tax dollars work for YOU!

Let's join together…

· To increase volunteers
· To increase funds for teacher incentives
To upgrade playground equipment

Better schools =

Better educated children
Increased property values
Community involvement
Better neighborhoods

Did you know?

Lee is a "Recommended" school based on TAKS scores. This is the same TAKS recognition as Stonewall Jackson and Lakewood Elementary!
Lee teachers have an average of over 16 years teaching experience.
Lee is currently enrolled at only 250 students (40% capacity) mostly from OUR neighborhood.
· DISD has committed to prove it has the best public urban schools in the nation by 2010 through "Dallas Achieves"
Lee has the opportunity for an innovative & highly sought-after Dual Language curriculum.

Upcoming Events:

2007-08 Kindergarten Round-Up – 6 PM, March 23, 2007
Town Hall Meeting – Meeting with DISD officials about expanded Pre-K and Dual Language Programs (Coming Soon!)
Lee 75th Anniversary Celebration – May 19, 9:00-noon

Get Involved Now - Join the Robert E. Lee PTA


The latest news, information, and upcoming events can be found at


Friday, February 23, 2007

Dallas ISD board trustees to hold community forum on Feb. 24 at Skyline

I think it would be great if a lot of us could attend this.

A DISD community forum this is set for this Sat (Feb 24), from 10:am ‘til noon. There will be introductions and talk about Dallas Achieves and brokering the system. Then will break off into groups including:
Mr. Flores regarding Dual Language
Ms. Ellis regarding the Arts
Mr. Price regarding Athletics
Sounds like a good opportunity to find out more and to get involved. I hope to see you all there!

Dallas ISD board trustees to hold community forum on Feb. 24 at Skyline

A public meeting hosted by Dallas ISD board trustees will be held on Saturday, February 24 at Skyline High School, 7777 Forney Road. The meeting is to receive comments and suggestions on academics, governance, and support of the Dallas ISD and to increase public awareness and participation in issues facing the district. Trustees Leigh Ann Ellis, District 3; Edwin Flores, District 1; Ron Price, District 9; and General Superintendent Michael Hinojosa are hosting the meeting. For more information, call (972) 925-5555.

According to the DISD official that answers that phone, the event is from 10:am til noon.
There will be introductions and talk about Dallas Achieves and brokering the system. Then will break off into groups including
Mr. Flores regarding Dual Language
Ms. Ellis regarding the Arts
Mr. Price regarding Athletics
Sounds like a good opportunity to find out more and to get involved. We already have GWRA t-shirts (baby to adult sizes) if you would like to wear them to find one another and let the district know we are there. Please let me know if you would like one.



Monday, February 19, 2007

The Road to Broad

This is why you should be excited about Dallas Schools and Lee's march to the forefront.

Michael Hinojosa: A district transformed

I'm willing to put in on the line, says Michael Hinojosa, Superintendent says DISD will win this urban prize by 2010.

10:23 AM CST on Wednesday, January 17, 2007 from Dallas Morning News

"And the nominees are ..."

The worldwide media will buzz next week when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announces the nominees for the 79th annual Academy Awards. But who will take note in April, when the Broad Foundation, located just blocks away on L.A.'s glittering Wilshire Boulevard, reveals the finalists for the 2007 Broad Prize for Urban Education?

We will, here at the Dallas Independent School District – because we are determined that, no later than 2010, Dallas ISD will be one of the five districts on that list. The $1 million Broad (rhymes with "road") Prize recognizes the urban school district that, of all the districts in America, has made the greatest strides toward providing every single child a superb education – exactly what we at Dallas ISD are committed to do. That commitment dates back to November 2005, when the board of trustees joined me in defining that ambitious goal.

We are not alone in that commitment. A remarkable coalition of 65 leaders from throughout Dallas has come together as the Dallas Achieves Commission to help us transform Dallas ISD using successful districts such as the Broad Prize finalists as models. Today, we will publicly unveil a new catchphrase to describe the transformation process: "The Road to Broad."

A rhyming slogan is nice, but it won't get the job done. Dallas ISD is blessed to have the talents of thousands of dedicated educators. Our students are bright and ambitious. Their families want them to achieve their dreams. Voters have given us the resources to build first-class facilities. But still too many children fail to graduate or, if they graduate, fail to have the skills they need to succeed in college or at a good job.

That can mean only one thing: In some critical ways, the system itself is broken. So Dallas ISD has done what major corporations that are in trouble do – with the help of generous donors to Dallas Achieves, we have partnered with some of the nation's most respected strategic consultants, including The Boston Consulting Group and the Public Strategies Group. They are analyzing every aspect of our operation, using best practices and data-driven research to form the roadmap for transformation.

Already, based on the consultants' research, we are implementing reforms to central office operations that should save us as much as $20 million a year. In April, the consultant team will present Phase II of their recommendations to the Dallas Achieves Commission and then to me and the trustees.

Those recommendations will enshrine a new academic rigor – raising benchmarks to the level required to equip every student for college and a career (for instance, making "commended" rather than "passing" performance on the TAKS the baseline measure of college readiness). Teachers will be supported to ensure that students are meeting the tougher benchmarks, and principals will be accountable for making sure their teachers have the skills and the resources to do so.

Central administration will be accountable for serving the schools (rather than the other way around) and for putting the money where it will produce academic gains. Engaged parents and the larger community will be called on to participate, supporting and challenging all of us along the way.

If you don't think we're serious, consider the assessment of the National Center for Educational Accountability, which reviewed Dallas ISD's curriculum and proposed significant changes a year ago. When they came back recently to assess our progress, they said they had never seen a district accomplish so much so quickly.

Publicly declaring that we are on the Road to Broad carries a risk. The trustees and I are willing to take that risk because we believe in our students, our families, our teachers, our administrators and you – the people of Dallas. We do not intend to fail.

Dr. Michael Hinojosa is general superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District. His e-mail address is


A great memo concerning your involvement...

The following includes important dates to the Parents of Lee and a blueprint of the important issues facing us.

“Parents of Lee” areas of interest

Opportunities through DISD
• Dual Language Program
• Expanded Pre-K

• 2 Phases
o Logistics meeting Feb 26 or March 6 (waiting for confirmation from Dual Lang. & Early Childhood reps)
• Attendees
• Area 3 Superintendent Mr. Castro
• Principal Zapata
• DISD Dual Language representatives
• DISD Early Childhood representatives
• GWRA Early Childhood representative, Laura Legg
• General Purpose
• Learn about general aspects of programs
• Learn about logistics of implementation and requirements
• Learn about process going forward
o Town Hall meeting date to be set with Dual Lang., Early Childhood & Principal Zapata through Castro’s office

Kindergarten Round Up
• Goal is to increase awareness of Lee and increase student population (above current 40% capacity)

• 2 Key dates
o CiCi’s Pizza Lee benefit night, Wed. March 7
• General Purpose
• Introduction opportunity between existing Parents of Lee and GWRA Early Childhood group
• Provide opportunity to get to know one another and find common ground on goals for general life at Lee
• Support Lee’s fundraising set up through CiCi’s pizza
• Solicit willing volunteers to get involved with Round-up event

o Round-up, Friday, March 23 6:00 – verify date and time with Ms. Zapata
• General Purpose
• Educate potential future Lee parents about the school and future
• Provide a means to meet Pre-k and Kinder teachers and see their classroom
• Provide a means to show various extra curricular opportunities available to students

75th Anniversary Celebration
• Week of May 14-18 put on by Robert E. Lee celebration committee
• Parents of Lee can offer help in the form of volunteers, suggestions and publicity.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

To the Parents of Lee,

I wanted to let you all know that I had a really positive meeting with Principal Zapata today. One of the things that I got from her is that she would like to keep communication lines open and clear. She is looking for me to be her main point of contact for our "Parents of Lee" group in order to avoid miscommunication and overwhelming calls. Please feel free to let me know anything that you would like passed on to her. I will do my best to attend the SBDM meetings. The following is what I proposed to her and I invite you all to any and all meetings and events. We have made a lot of progress and have a lot of work to go to see some real improvements happen. Principal Zapata was very encouraging, particularly for the expanded Pre-K program! She had actually asked to implement this previously. I guess the stars are all aligning for us to work together and make it happen. I think many of you will be very excited to hear the details as they are revealed to us all.

All events are open to all, so if you know of anyone who is interested in attending, please pass the word on! We are working hard to set a town hall meeting that will be the ideal setting for us all to learn more and have a chance to have our voices heard. I will announce meeting time as soon as I am able to get it! -Laura


Friday, February 9, 2007

A great meeting at Ozona

What a wonderful night last night for Robert E. Lee Elementary. There is so much energy and involvement that is building towards our goal of transforming our school. Thank you to all the parents who came out to Ozona for our first Parents of Lee get-together/hoedown.

We will begin working this weekend on building a full website which we hope will be a one stop shop for all info regarding our school and our efforts. Please, if you know of any other parents in our Lee attendance zone with kids of elementary school age, have them get on our emailing list. Email info to You can make a difference!


Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Ball is Rolling for R.E. Lee!!!!

Please join us at 7:00PM this Thursday, Feb 8th, at Ozona Restaurant for a casual meet and greet/ brainstorming session. We’ll talk about:

the current state of affairs
what we expect out of a neighborhood school
what we can do to help
what we get from the district

You can help by distributing flyers and helping to spread the word to your neighbors. There is a lot of great momentum starting and I hope you will be a part of it!


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Become a volunteer at Lee

Voluteers can help in many ways. The kids need YOU to help them have a great and rewarding school life. The first step is... Parent volunteers should complete a Volunteer Application, and all new volunteers must also participate in an orientation. DISD ensures safety by performing a criminal records check.

DISD Parent Resource Center
A great website for DISD parents

Volunteers can …

* Work with students at and away from school
* Become tutors or mentors
* Serve as readers, listeners or speakers
* Help in all areas of a school building, particularly in the lunchroom and library
* Be “Principal for a Day”
* Help a specific student, teacher, administrator, or the school in general
* Sponsor events, activities or programs
* Serve as advisory committee members

Volunteers can …

* Chaperone a field trip
* Create a telephone network to communicate with parents
* Design displays and bulletin boards
* Prepare refreshments for students and teachers
* Donate materials, supplies, in-kind services, or motivational incentives for teachers and students
* Serve as advocates for students, teachers and public education
* Share professional development sessions with teachers and administrators
* Facilitate information dissemination where they work or within organizations that they belong to

Volunteers can ...

* Help build students’ self-esteem and self-confidence
* Give students extra chances for success
* Inspire enthusiasm for and encourage academic pursuits
* Give students instant feedback
* Add another adult friend to a student’s experience
* Increase a student’s knowledge about the world
* Introduce volunteerism to our youth
* Establish school/community/business links for quality education


Friday, February 2, 2007

Helpful Links

You live in our neighborhood, and you want to get involved. However, there are so many groups that you have a hard time figuring out where to start.

First determine which neighborhood association you are in, and join!

Lower Greenville Neighborhood Association- Borders are Greenville to Skillman, Mockingbird to Ross
Greenland Hills Neighborhood Association Borders Central Expressway to Greenville, and Longview to Vanderbilt.
Belmont Neighborhood Association- Borders Greenville to Skillman, and Belmont to Ross
Vickery Place Neighborhood Association Borders Henderson (Central) to Greenville, and Goodwin to Belmont
Lowest Greenville West Neighborhood Association
Lakewood Heights Neighborhood Association Borders are Skillman to Abrams, and Monticello to Richmond

Next, please join the school groups.

If you have children ages 0-6 years, plesae join...

Lower Greenville Early Childhood PTA- Serving Stonewall and Lee Elementary Schools

If you have children of elementary age, please join...

Stonewall PTA- official PTA of Stonewall Joackson
Lee PTA- Official PTA of Robert E. Lee Elementary
Parents of Lee- Organization for children who will go to Lee, or currently go to Lee

Additional groups

Conservation districts are inlaid within certain neighborhood associations.
Belmont Addition Conservation District- Borders Greenville to Skillman Llano to Belmont

Parks, and Whiterock Lake

Friends of Teitze Park- Organazation to help our neighborhood park
Friends of Whiterock Lake

We have collected a wealth of informative links. Please check out...
Official Robert E. Lee Webpage- From DISD
PDF Stonewall/Lee/Lakewood Attendance Zone- Familiarize yourself with the boundaries
Greater Whiterock Area PTA- Our PTA for Stonewall and Lee
Great Schools' Lee page- Excellent info on our school
Official Site of DISD- A wealth of info Just for Kids Lee Page
Friends of Tietze Park Neighborhood organization
Lakewood Early Childhood PTA- A model of a neighborhood school organization.

This is a 4/14/1997 shapshot of what Lee used to offer (10 years ago) to its students and community. It is startling compared to the tiny list on the official Lee website today.
Census data- A New Census will be taken in 2010.
AEIS Report for Lee- Detailed info on our schools performance

Important email contacts:

Tom Luce is a the former US Assistant Secretary of Education and a local hero who started a tremendous website offering real solutions and comparisons to improve schools.
Jack Lowe Jr is the DISD Board President and our trustee for District 2.
Emilio Castro is our Area 3 superintendant.
Alicia Zapata is our principal.
Angela Hunt is our City Councilwoman. This is her website.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lee is changing

Robert E. Lee is our neighboorhood school. For quite some time, the standard line issued to parents moving into our neighborhood has been "it's a great neighborhood, but you can't use Lee." We are changing that. There is no reason that Lee cannot turn into the school that Stonewall Jackson is, and that Lakewood Elementary is becoming. It takes involvement, and that is what this website intends to foster and facilitate.

There has been talk for couple of years about rezoning Stonewall and sending some of its kids to Lee. Stonewall parents have fought any rezoning, and rightly so. Lee must become a place that parents want to send their kids. How will this happen? Through our collective effort.

We do not want to diminish any work that has gone on at Lee in the past. But, how can we expect the committed staff at Lee to create a great neighborhood school without the support of the neighborhood?

Lee is on the brink of something special. The turnaround has begun.

The factors that will make Lee exeptional.
1) The commitment of parents currently on the sidelines in a wait and see attitude.
2) The recasting of Lee as a competitive school to give us needed students and involved parents.
3) Principal and staff engaging in hard, proactive work with our support.
4) The beautification of the Lee campus.

According to the DISD, Stonewall is currently at 110% to 124% capacity. Lee is at 40% capacity. Making the hard decision of boundary change is pro-active, but may not be necessary. It would increase the pool of students and involved parents from our neighborhood and will encourage current in-zone parents to join in the ascension. However, we must get the school right first or simultaneously. We should become involved with our School Board Trustee Jack Lowe and our Area Superintendent Emilio Castro to determine the best direction of Lee's future.

Furthermore, block captains should be designated to canvas their respective block gathering data on how many children 11 years and younger are in residence and where those children go to school, or are intended to go to school. We should pay particular attention to the parents of children under five in order to recruit healthy kindergarten classes of neighborhood children.

We should prepare literature to furnish to prospective parents, telling them what our school is doing for us and what we are doing for our school. Parents need something in hand to sell them on their school.

We must volunteer at Lee: to teach, to read, to beautify.

Superintendent Hinojosa is setting a high bar and calling for increased accountability of our principals. What do we and Lee need to do in order to make our neighborhood school the school of choice?